Rakesh Bandane1, Vaibhav Bankar2 Design of Single Cavity Pressure Die Casting Die for Automotive Part of Aluminum Alloy (AlSi-12) Using CAD Tool & Its

Publication Date : 03/05/2022

Author(s) :

Rakesh Dilip Bandane.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 4
(05 - 2022)

Abstract :

Manufacturers can create a sharply defined textured or smooth surface of metal parts by using a manufacturing process described in high-pressure die-casting technology. The mechanism under this technology forces and injects molten metal into a reusable metal die at a speed of 27- 45 m/s. The manufacturers will use the hot chamber or cold chamber method to inject the metal into the die on the basis of the type of metal chosen to fabricate the part. The designer must incorporate numerous manufacturability-related factors into the design of a die to produce successful castings economically. To achieve this overall design goal, the die fills completely with molten metal, quickly & consistent solidification of molten metal, the part ejects easily from the die without damage, the part requires a minimum of die construction and die maintenance difficulties, the part meets the customer’s tolerance requirement. Proper estimation of part manufacturing is essential for tender procurement & reduction in manufacturing lead time. The project gives a brief introduction of design considerations in manufacturing single cavity pressure die casting die. It explains the process flow from quotation to dispatch of the PDC tool. UNIGRAPHICS NX software is used for doing the work accomplished in design

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Publication Date : 08/05/2022

Author(s) :

Prajakta Kolhe.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 4
(05 - 2022)

Abstract :

The world is severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic health-care workers are hostile to work inside of COVID-19 hospital due to social distancing. Supplying essentials food and delivering medicine in hospitals has a challenge. To address the need of the World health organization and the certified sanitizing system is a solution for personnel and surface decontamination. To overcome the problem developed automatic portable sanitizing equipment for spraying sanitization solution. The portable sanitizer unit is attached to the top of the mobile robot. The system integrates a sprinkler mechanism and is used to distribute air and disinfectant fluid mixture. The mobile robot main components consist of a DC motor, Bluetooth module, Arduino, Motor driver, Submergible pump, Sprinkler, Battery, DC Converters are used. The system is capable of sanitizing the floors of hospitals. The application area can include hospital corridors, medical shops, operation theatre, walking pathways, doctor room, testing center, and patient room, etc.

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Publication Date : 16/05/2022

Author(s) :

vrushali jagannath date.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 4
(05 - 2022)

Abstract :

As the complexity of distribution network has grown, automation of substation has become a need of every utility company to increase its efficiency and to improve the quality of power being delivered. The proposed project which is IOT based controlling of the substation will help the utility companies, by ensuring that their local-substation faults are immediately realized and reported to their concerned departments via IOT, to provide that term of intensity intrusion is decreased. The measured parameters will send as SMS messages. The microcontroller will cooperate with the sensors introduced at the nearby substation and perform a task as commanded. Electrical parameters like current, voltage will be compared continuously to its rated value will help protect the distribution and power transformer from burning due to overload, short circuit fault, overvoltage’s, and surges. Under such conditions, the whole unit is closed down through the control area including transfers detecting it, and instantly killing the electrical switch. SMS cautions can likewise be produced to demonstrate this. The utilization of GSM makes the substation astute in the sense that it can transmit signals and information and receive commands. This enables to reduce labor cost at the substation and spares time. In this manner, the observing and working effectiveness of the sub-station will definitely increment.

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Hospital prediction using data mining

Publication Date : 16/05/2022

Author(s) :

Janvi Ahire.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 4
(05 - 2022)

Abstract :

One of the most critical problems in healthcare is predicting the likelihood of hospital readmission in case of chronic diseases such as diabetes to be able to allocate necessary resources such as beds, rooms, specialists, and medical staff, for an acceptable quality of service. Unfortunately relatively few research studies in the literature attempted to tackle this problem; the majority of the research studies are concerned with predicting the likelihood of the diseases themselves. Numerous machine learning techniques are suitable for prediction. Nevertheless, there is also shortage in adequate comparative studies that specify the most suitable techniques for the prediction process. Towards this goal, this paper presents a comparative study among five common techniques in the literature for predicting the likelihood of hospital readmission in case of diabetic patients. Those techniques are logistic regression (LR) analysis, multi-layer perceptron (MLP), Naïve Bayesian (NB) classifier, decision tree, and support vector machine (SVM). The comparative study is based on realistic data gathered from a number of hospitals in the United States. The comparative study revealed that SVM showed best performance, while the NB classifier and LR analysis were the worst. Key Words: Decision tree; hospital readmission; logistic regression; machine learning; multi-layer perceptron; Naïve Bayesian classifier; support vector machines

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Microcontroller Based Hand Gloves Dispenser Machine

Publication Date : 17/05/2022

Author(s) :

Gite Tejas.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 4
(05 - 2022)

Abstract :

The rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) changes human’s life into a smart world. Physical objects connected with smart sensors provide data to make people's life easier. We present a case study of the smart Hand gloves dispenser is with the aid of RFID sensor, IR sensor, and Atmega328 is built to assists the users and the hand gloves suppliers by tracking the amount hand gloves used in day to day activity. The smart hand gloves dispenser measures the quantity of the available hand glove in the dispenser and pops an alert when the hand glove in the dispenser is about to finish. It measures the pushes notifications to the user about hand gloves consumption. Here we put forward a fully automated RFID based hand glove dispenser system using Atmega328 and Motor driver.

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Publication Date : 14/05/2022

Author(s) :

Rathod Sumit Shivaji.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 4
(05 - 2022)

Abstract :

Train accident is very serious issue and it should be prevented. Detecting cracks and obstacles is vitally essential nearby and on the railway to ensure the smooth running of the trains. Indian railway is relying on visual inspection to monitor the railway. Our project is focused on detecting and warning the railways so that it can increase safety of the trains. The project uses two mediums to collect and monitordataabout the detecting cracks and obstacles nearby and on the railway. The first medium usedinthis project is the sensor based system by usingArduino as a controller at the prototype for storing and monitoring data about the distance between obstacles and theprototype. Another medium used is a display by using Processing Software todisplay the distance between obstacles and the device in the range between 0 – 40 cm. Ultrasonic sensors are used to scan the track and to detect the obstacles nearby and on the railway, which placed at the front, right and left sides.Arduino IDE is used to program Arduino Nano, which acts as the brain of the system. The system with the help of three ultrasonic sensors detects the distance between obstacles or crack and the device and send the data. The prototype managed to collect data and send it for processing and take preventive measures.

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Solar air purifier

Publication Date : 21/05/2022

Author(s) :


Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 4
(05 - 2022)

Abstract :

Thisresearchpaperisaboutdesigningandfabricating an air purifier system which is powered by solarenergyandtestingtheeffectivenessofthesystemtocurbtheairpollution. The focus is on extracting the suspended particulatematter from the air which are the major contributors in thepollutionofairinmanyurbancities.Itworksonanon-conventional method and intents to achieve best possible airpurificationresultsusingeco-friendlyandeconomicalmethod.Itworksonthebasicprincipleofadhesionofthesuspended particlesintheairwiththeliquidandsettlesdownduetobeingheavier than air and gets separated from the air helping us toachieve better air quality index. The fans and the pump in systemare operated with the help of solar energy, produced by solarpanels,whichconvertsthesolarradiations intoelectricity.

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,IOT Based Implementation of Disaster Monitoring at Public Places and Industrial Area Through smart pole

Publication Date : 21/05/2022

Author(s) :

Thakare Sachin, Patil Darshan, Lole Aishwarya, Shirsath Rutuja .

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 4
(05 - 2022)

Abstract :

Main aim of this system is to provide energy efficient system which provides continuous monitoring of environmental parameters like air quality, earthquake and floods. So that people & higher government authorities will get to know about the accidents quickly. To make the system energy efficient, lights from the pole will be turn on & off depending on external light environment. This project will be implemented on existing roadside streetlamps & helpful for generating immediate alert in extreme situations to avoid casualties. 24*7 monitoring of environmental parameters form anywhere. It will be helpful for speed up the rescue operations in flood & earthquake. To avoid the use of external energy, system included with rotating solar panel. All these features make the old streetlight poles SMART. In this proposed system, Air quality sensor is used to monitor hazardous gases & smoke detection. This will trigger an alarm when the air quality goes down beyond a certain level, means when there are sufficient amount of harmful gases are present in the air like CO2, smoke, alcohol, benzene and NH3. A water level sensor for flood detection & vibration sensor for earthquake detection are used. System will display readings from sensors on webpage through internet. So that government officials will be alert at that exact movement. An alarm will be on, when danger situations are detected, so that people will get start to reach safer places. Street lights on pole will be turn on & off automatically, depending on external light environment. This system is be powered through sun tracking solar panel & will be the efficient and lifetime source of energy for the system.

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Publication Date : 17/05/2022

Author(s) :

Jadhav Sumeet.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 4
(05 - 2022)

Abstract :

As a future inexhaustible and non-polluting energy sources, solar energy is advancing to meet our ever-growing energy requirements. The automated solar tracking system based on the Arduino prototype is mainly built using the Arduino Microcontroller, four LDRs and three stepper motors. A mixture of hardware and firmware programming is used to run the machine. Four light based resistors (LDRs) are used for the capture of maximum incident light in hardware production. To shift the solar panel according to the extent incident light operated by LDRs, three stepper motors are used. The software controls the solar panel's vertical tilt angle and horizontal rotation. Thus, according to the incident sunlight on the solar panel, it can follow the direction of the Sun, not only the vertical rotation, but also the horizontal rotation. This device can also achieve optimum illumination and reduce the cost of generating energy by requiring a minimum number of solar panels.

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Publication Date : 23/05/2022

Author(s) :

omkar kajale roshani pagare dhanshree pawar ankita shelke.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 4
(05 - 2022)

Abstract :

- Online voting is a trend that is gaining momentum in modern society. It has great potential to decrease organizational costs and increase voter turnout. It eliminates the need to print ballot papers or open polling stations—voters can vote from wherever there is an Internet connection. Despite these benefits, online voting solutions are viewed with a great deal of caution because they introduce new threats. A single vulnerability can lead to large-scale manipulations of votes. Electronic voting systems must be legitimate, accurate, safe, and convenient when used for elections. Nonetheless, adoption may be limited by potential problems associated with electronic voting systems. Blockchain technology came into the ground to overcome these issues and offers decentralized nodes for electronic voting and is used to produce electronic voting systems mainly because of their end-to-end verification advantages. This technology is a beautiful replacement for traditional electronic voting solutions with distributed, non-repudiation, and security protection characteristics. The following article gives an overview of electronic voting systems based on blockchain technology.

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