If you looking for Car Rental Services and Self driven car services in Pune go for reputed sites and Agency , as per my friend experience he got spammed by Spammers in Pune , and there are lot of them in Pune . Here is story –

We decided to take cab from Sanjivani Cab Services Pvt Ltd on 8th September 2022, and given 10K advance + Fare of 3600 to agent names as Sumit Kherde with phone numbers Phone Numbers- 9209339999, 70300000157, 08237222200 and 7030578888, after trip end and car return , scammer Sumit Kherde said he will return 10K advance car after challan verification and then he not answered calls from one month, after checking online there are so many reviews of having payment issues , and once reported they permanently closed account , below is Facebook link and insta link –
Please be aware of this scammers , and share with friends as still he haven’t received 10K amount .