A Review of Image Enhancement Techniques for Underwater Images

Publication Date : 30/12/2021

Author(s) :

Prachi Vijay Kor1, Akshada Abasaheb Kapse2, Vedika Virsen Patil3 , Shital Ambadas Patil4 Prof. Mahesh V. Korde5 .

Volume/Issue :
Volume 12
Issue 2
(12 - 2021)

Abstract :

This paper presents a review of aquatic image improvement ways which serves as the foundation of a variety of aquatic imaging operations including the study of submarine life forms, aquatic object discovery and bracket or simply an enhancement in the appearance of aquatic images. Unlike regular imaging in a normal terrain, aquatic imaging suffers from reduced clarity, included by scattering and immersion of light. There are regions withnon-uniform illumination and prominent bluish and greenish tones depending on the wavelength of light. The quality of aquatic images also depends on the photographic device used to capture the image, turbidity of water. This paper discusses the different types of improvement brought about by varied aquatic image improvement ways.

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