Enhanced Analysis on Image Enrichment Methods

Publication Date : 26/07/2024

Author(s) :

Image processing; Image enrichment; Unsharp Masking; Nonlinear filtering.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 7
(07 - 2024)

Abstract :

The objective of Image enrichment is to process an image so that result is more suitable than original image for specific application. Digital image enrichment techniques provide a lot of choices for improving the visual quality of images. Appropriate choice of such techniques is very important. This paper will provide an overview and analysis of different techniques commonly used for image enhancement. Image enhancement plays a fundamental role in vision applications. Recently much work is completed in the field of images enhancement. Many techniques have previously been proposed up to now for enhancing the digital images. Image enrichment is the task of applying certain alterations to an input image like as to obtain a more visually pleasing image. Many images such as medical images, remote sensing images, electron microscopy images and even real life photographic pictures, suffer from poor contrast. Therefore it is necessary to enhance the contrast. The purpose of image enhancement methods is to increase image visibility and details. Two major classifications of image enhancement techniques are spatial domain enhancement and frequency domain enhancement. However, these techniques bring about tonal changes in the images. Number of enhancement techniques available for sketches are very few in comparison with the techniques available for images. The scope of enhancement in case of composite sketches and forensic sketches is left out. Therefore, it would have been better if an in-depth research work is undertaken.

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