Women Safety Patrolling Robot Using IOT

Publication Date : 13/05/2024

Author(s) :

Bhavana Sanjay Bhatkande .

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 5
(05 - 2024)

Abstract :

The increasing violence against women has made their safety a key worry everywhere in the world. They are used to being mistreated, either physically or mentally. Victims of workplace and public harassment are giving up on their dreams and ambitions. Despite the enactment of numerous anti-harassment laws by the government, the prevalence of harassment against women has not declined. The best way to lessen violence (robbery, sexual assault, domestic abuse, and so forth) against them is to provide amoral support. Consequently, the Women Safety Patrolling Robot will work to protect women. Current systems record events using CCTV cameras, but this is not a proactive approach for women's safety

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