Protection of Rights of Unorganised Laborers in India

Publication Date : 05/05/2024

Author(s) :

Nitish Mehlawat.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 5
(05 - 2024)

Abstract :

The unorganised sector in India plays a significant role in the country's economic growth. However, this contribution often goes unnoticed due to the lack of statistical data and proper mechanisms for collecting it. According to estimates from the Union government, approximately 93% of India's total workforce is employed in the unorganised sector, which includes construction workers, beedi rollers, auto drivers, and housekeepers. Despite their significant contribution to the GDP, unorganised workers face numerous challenges, such as job insecurity, long work hours, hazardous working and living conditions, and more. This particularly affects women and children, making them the most vulnerable in these circumstances.

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