Law Of Environment In India: Problems And Challenges In Its Enforcement

Publication Date : 06/05/2024

Author(s) :


Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 5
(05 - 2024)

Abstract :

While India boasts a plethora of environmental protection legislation, their enforcement has been notably lacking. There is a pressing need for the effective implementation of these laws, as mandated by the Constitution and other environmental statutes. The judiciary, alongside the National Green Tribunal (NGT), has played a commendable role in addressing this issue through creative and innovative interventions. Public Interest Litigations filed in the Supreme Court against industries and Pollution Control Boards have highlighted the necessity for stringent pollution control measures. To ensure the proper execution of these laws, it is imperative to establish adjudicatory bodies comprising both legal and technical experts in each state. Environmental stewardship is not solely the responsibility of the government; it is a collective duty encompassing individuals, associations,societies, industries, and corporations. Upholding environmental integrity aligns with the nation's sustainable development goals and is ingrained as a fundamental duty in Article 51-A(g) of the Indian Constitution.

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