Digital Twin Augmented Vision System For Healthcare

Publication Date : 06/05/2024

Author(s) :

Ishwarya M .

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 5
(05 - 2024)

Abstract :

The Project proposes real-time health data monitoring with Digital Twin with Augmented Vision for the ICU emergency treatment patients, suggesting that this symptom could be used as screening tool to help identify people with potential high-risk cases who could be recommended to treat immediately. faster treatment in a hospital, it generates a scannable Augmented Vision (AV) code print. Also, the wearable bio-medical sensor data’s also uploading to server system by IoT. By our proposed system, every patient is being addressed by their unique DT based AV code with them. Whenever people are admitted with severe problems in hospitals such as heart pain, lung problems etc. they will be provided with the AV code. Once admitted the wearable sensors will be deployed and the biomedical value will be sent to the IOT with their unique code. In among the many people in the treatment in the hospital, the senior as to inspect for the treatment in emergency manner to treat him faster and save their life. The duty doctor will scan the AV code with all patients AV code using android app scanner available, immediately the DT vision Software System fetch the respective persons data’s the DT vision Software System will show us the details in real-time images as shown in fig(1) and fig(2) for normal datasets i.e. green DT images for normal stage of and Red DT images the organ severe affected Persons with the IOT data sets respectively . By screening with this the doctor can identify the immediate treatment needed priority people in order, i.e. RED persons as immediate next for the orange DT images peoples and then can check for the greed DT images peoples. Such that doctor can save the life of the emergency patients in a sequence treatment order one by one.

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