Publication Date : 25/05/2022

Author(s) :

1Tejas B, 2Abhijit S, 3Darshan S, 4Suraj P.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 4
(05 - 2022)

Abstract :

:- In current pandemic, Covid-19 has created United States understand the importance of Face Masks and that we ought to perceive the crucial effects of not carrying one, currently over ever. Right now, there aren't any mask detectors put in at the jammed places, however we tend to believe that it's of utmost importance that at transportation junctions, densely inhabited residential district, markets, academic establishments and care areas, it's currently vital to line up mask detectors to make sure the security of the general public. during this paper we've tried to make a 2 phased mask detector which can be simple to deploy at the mentioned shops. With the assistance of pc Vision, it's currently attainable to sight and implement this on massive scale. we've used CNN for the implementation of our model. The implementation is completed in Python, and also the python script implementation can train our mask detector on our selected dataset victimization TensorFlow and Keras. we've side additional sturdy options and trained our model on numerous variations, we tend to created bound to have massive varied and increased dataset so the model is in a position to obviously, determine and detection the face masks in real time videos. The trained model was tested on each time period videos and static footage and in each the cases the accuracy was over the opposite designed models.

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