Publication Date : 26/04/2022

Author(s) :

Dr S.S Morade , Vaishnavi Dhundale , Prachi Jaiswal , & Ankita Rajguru.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 4
(04 - 2022)

Abstract :

A smart helmet has been developed that is able to detect of hazardous events in the mines industry. In the development of helmet, we have considered the three main types of hazard such as air quality, helmet removal, and collision (miners are struck by an object). The first is the concentration level of the hazardous gases such as CO, SO2, NO2, DHT temperature and Humidity and particulate matter. The second hazardous event was classified as a miner removing the mining helmet off their head. The layout of the visualisation software was completed, however the implementation was unsuccessful. Tests were successfully done to calibrate the accelerometer. PCB’s that were designed and made included a breakout board and a prototype board. A whole software implementation was done based on Eagle of the measuring of sensors and of calculations done with the measured values. This paper presents the undertaken design detailing solutions to issues raised in previous research.

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