Decentralized Supply Chain using the Ethereum Blockchain

Publication Date : 05/06/2023

Author(s) :


Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 4
(06 - 2023)

Abstract :

Majority of air pollution is generated by the combustion of fossil fuel (coal, diesel fuel, gasoline, oil, and natural gas) and they are a major contributor to health-harming air pollution. Union Minister Nitin Gadkari stressed the need to enhance the production of biofuel in the country by using the stubble of certain crops to reduce the dependence on the import of crude oil and fuel gasses. Since the production of biofuels is abundant in India and it requires minimal infrastructure changes for large scale adoption, it can serve as a much easier solution to the issue. But the creation of a supply chain for regular use of Biofuels is still in its nascent stage. Providing a solution for this problem by creating Supply Chain of the entire set of Production, Distribution and Marketing processes by which a consumer is supplied with a desired product and producer can get their desired market with better security, this system

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