Crime Prediction And Analysis Using Data Mining

Publication Date : 27/05/2023

Author(s) :

Abhedya Bhole.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 4
(05 - 2023)

Abstract :

Crime analysis and prediction is a systematic approach for identifying the crime. This system can predict region which have high probability for crime occurrences and visualize crime prone area. Using the concept of data mining we can extract previously unknown, useful information from an unstructured data. The extraction of new information is predicted using the existing datasets. Useful information from an unstructured data. The extraction of new information is predicted using the existing datasets. Crimes are treacherous and common social problem faced worldwide. Crimes affect the quality of life, economic growth and reputation of nation. With the aim of securing the society from crimes, there is a need for advanced systems and new approaches for improving the crime analytics for protecting their communities. We propose a system which can analysis, detect, and predict various crime probability in given region. This paper explains various types of criminal analysis and crime prediction using several data mining techniques.

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