Publication Date : 27/05/2023

Author(s) :

Prerna Deepak Gosavi.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 4
(05 - 2023)

Abstract :

The field of automation is now expanding into the field of medicine and has roots in almost every service-oriented industry. . The robot is programmed to move the robotic arm to the right position, pick up the right amount of merchandise, and then put the product in the queue. It is controlled by an Arduino Uno. The Arduino is programmed to halt the robotic arm when the target weight is attained, and the load cell is used to measure the product's weight. The software used is Arduino IDE, and the robot is implemented on an ATmega328p. A visual system might be added to the robot to help it recognize the product and then direct the robotic arm to the right spot. The robotic arm spins 360 degrees.

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