A Survey of Image Processing and Identification Techniques

Publication Date : 21/10/2021

Author(s) :

Akash Pawar.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 4
(10 - 2021)

Abstract :

Image processing is always an interesting field as it gives enhanced visual data for mortal simplification and processing of image data for transmission and illustration for machine preception. Digital images are reused to give better result using image processing. Ways analogous as Gray scale conversion, Image segmentation, Edge discovery, Point Birth, Bracket are used in image processing. In this paper studies of different image processing ways and its styles has been conducted. Image segmentation is the original step in multitudinous image processing functions like Pattern recognition and image analysis which convert an image into double form and divide it into different regions. The fashion used for segmentation is Otsu’s system, K- means Clustering etc. For point birth point vector in visual image is texture, shape and color. Edge detector with morphological motorist enhances the clarity of image and noise free images. This paper also gives information about algorithm like Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Medium used for image type. The image is distributed into the open class by an ANN and SVM is used to collect all the distributed result. Overall the paper gives detail knowledge about the ways used for image processing and identification.

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Development of Quick Charging System for Electric Vehicle

Publication Date : 21/10/2021

Author(s) :

Bhagyashree Sawant .

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 4
(10 - 2021)

Abstract :

Despite the low environmental impact and high energy efficaciousness, electric vehicles (EV) have not been widely accepted by people to date. The lack of charging edifice is one of the reasons. Since lithium-ion battery used for electric vehicles has high energy thickness and low internal resistance that allows quick charging, the convenience of EV may be greatly enhanced if charging edifice isgoadequately.Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) aims for EV spread to reduce CO2 overflows and to increase demand for electric power, and has developed the quick charging system for cavalcade- use EV to enhance the convenience of EV. And hung on probe results, we will propose desirable characteristics of quick server for public use

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Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence in Stock Market Prediction Based on Machine Learning

Publication Date : 21/10/2021

Author(s) :

Kanchan Singh.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 4
(10 - 2021)

Abstract :

This paper tries to address the problem of stock request vaticination using artificial intelligence (AI) strategies. The stock request vaticination can be modeled grounded on two top analyses called specialized and abecedarian. In the specialized analysis approach, the retrogression machine literacy (ML) algorithms are employed to prognosticate the stock price trend at the end of a business day grounded on the literal price data. In discrepancy, in the abecedarian analysis, the bracket ML algorithms are applied to classify the public sentiment grounded on news and social media. In the specialized analysis, the literal price data is exploited from Yahoo Finance, and in abecedarian analysis, public tweets on Twitter associated with the stock request are delved to assess the impact of sentiments on the stock request’s cast. The results show a median performance, inferring that with the current technology of AI, it's too soon to claim AI can beat the stock requests.

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Publication Date : 21/10/2021

Author(s) :

Vivek Singh.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 4
(10 - 2021)

Abstract :

We read the air quality of India by using machine literacy to prognosticate the air quality indicator of a given area. Air quality indicator of India is a standard measure used to indicate the contaminant (so2, no2, rspm, spm.etc.) situations over a period. We developed a model to prognosticate the air quality indicator grounded on literal data of former times and prognosticating over a particular forthcoming time as aGradient decent boosted multivariable retrogression problem. we ameliorate the effectiveness of the model by applying cost Estimation for our prophetic Problem. Our model will be able for successfully prognosticating the air quality indicator of a total county or any state or any bounded region handed with the literal data of contaminant attention. In our model by enforcing the proposed parameter- reducing phrasings, we achieved better performance than the standard retrogression models. our model has 96 delicacy on prognosticating the current available dataset on prognosticating the air quality indicator of whole India, also we use AHP MCDM fashion to find of order of preference by similarity to ideal result.

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Publication Date : 21/10/2021

Author(s) :

Vrushali .

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 5
(10 - 2021)

Abstract :

This paper refers to the generation of electricity by the roll of wind turbine and the wind is caused due to the movement of train. The electricity will be produced or generated through the wind energy as train runs over the road tracks. Essential form of wind energy produced by train conception is really unique and it will be operated to run the multicolored loads connected to the train cabin and access generated power will be operated by storing the power in the batteries. This propose work is an attempt to generation of electricity via renewable energy sources.

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Vehicle control system implementation Using CAN protocol

Publication Date : 21/10/2021

Author(s) :

Rohit Ingle.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 10
Issue 5
(10 - 2021)

Abstract :

Present Autos area unit being developed by added of electrical belt for effective operation. usually a vehicle was assembled with associate analog automobilist- vehicle interface for indicating chromatic vehicle standing like speed, energy degree, Engine temperatureetc., This paper presents the event and accomplishment of a digital driving system for asemi-autonomous vehicle to ameliorate the automobilist- vehicle interface. It uses associate ARM grounded knowledge accession system that uses ADC to bring all management knowledge from analog to digital format and vanity through Plasma. The communication module employed in this arrangement is bedded networking by will that has effective knowledge transfer. It conjointly takes feedback of car conditions like Vehicle speed, Engine temperature etc., and management led by main control. additional this unit equipped with GSM that communicates to the holder throughout brink things.

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A Review of Image Enhancement Techniques for Underwater Images

Publication Date : 30/12/2021

Author(s) :

Prachi Vijay Kor1, Akshada Abasaheb Kapse2, Vedika Virsen Patil3 , Shital Ambadas Patil4 Prof. Mahesh V. Korde5 .

Volume/Issue :
Volume 12
Issue 2
(12 - 2021)

Abstract :

This paper presents a review of aquatic image improvement ways which serves as the foundation of a variety of aquatic imaging operations including the study of submarine life forms, aquatic object discovery and bracket or simply an enhancement in the appearance of aquatic images. Unlike regular imaging in a normal terrain, aquatic imaging suffers from reduced clarity, included by scattering and immersion of light. There are regions withnon-uniform illumination and prominent bluish and greenish tones depending on the wavelength of light. The quality of aquatic images also depends on the photographic device used to capture the image, turbidity of water. This paper discusses the different types of improvement brought about by varied aquatic image improvement ways.

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Traditional Water Management in Forts of Maharashtra: Study of two systems for application in contemporary use

Publication Date : 04/01/2022

Author(s) :

Ar. Manish Patil1, Ar. Poorva Deshpande2 .

Volume/Issue :
Volume 01
Issue 12
(01 - 2022)

Abstract :

The water management of Hilltop forts is unique and has contributed immensely to the development of the political, social, ecological, and economical landscapes in which they are located. To address the unique nature of such systems, localize and limit the study, forts situated in the Northwestern Sahyadri, and one fort situated on the Deccan plateau in Maharashtra, have been selected. The selection is based on Typology (Hill fort and Land Fort), This paper will study the prevalent water management systems of these forts and discuss the reuse of these systems for settlements on hills and the foothills, and application of the same for similar hilltop villages. The Methodology used is review of literary sources and documentation on the capacity of water retention on the hilltop fort and in the reservoirs of land fort, and suggestions on the use of these as a secondary source of water supply.

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Fake News Detection using Machine Learning Algorithm

Publication Date : 12/01/2022

Author(s) :

Prof.Naresh Thoutam 2.Tanvi Deore 3.Sakshi Gawali 4.Gayatri Choudhar.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 1
(01 - 2022)

Abstract :

In our modern era where the internet is ubiquitous, everyone relies on various online resources for news. Along with the increase in the use of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc. news spread rapidly among millions of users within a very short span of time. The spread of fake news has far-reaching consequences like the creation of biased opinions to swaying election outcomes for the benefit of certain candidates. Moreover, spammers use appealing news headlines to generate revenue using advertisements via clickbaits. In this paper, we aim to perform binary classification of various news articles available online with the help of concepts pertaining to Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. We aim to provide the user with the ability to classify the news as fake or real and also check the authenticity of the website publishing the news.

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Publication Date : 13/01/2022

Author(s) :

Dr. M.V.Bhaleraio1, Komal gaykwad2, Amrita rana3 Suvarna kardel4.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 1
(01 - 2022)

Abstract :

The reduction in oxygen levels is being felt all over the world. Oxygen deficiency leads to mental and physical disorders not only in humans but also in sea creatures. Planting trees in urban areas is almost impossible with so many skyscrapers and industries already being there. The artificial solar oxygen tree would compensate for this loss to some extent at least. The artificial solar oxygen tree systems follow the sun throughout the day to maximize energy output. The artificial solar oxygen tree is a proven different-axis auto switching technology that has been custom designed to integrate with solar modules and reduce system costs. The multiple Solar panels generates up to 25% more energy than fixed single axis mounting systems and provides a bankable energy production profile preferred by utilities. Aim: Design & Implementation of "Intelligent Artificial Solar Oxygen Tree Using Embedded Technology

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