Journal Publication of International Research for Engineering & Management invites papers for following fields
- Electrical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- IT Engineering
- Electronic Engineering
- Engineering
- Medicine
- Music and other Performing Arts
- Nursing / Pharmacy
- Nutrition
- Paramedical Sciences
- Performing Arts
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Philosophy
- Physical Education
- Physical Sciences
- Physics
- Physiotherapy
- Political Sciences
- Population Studies
- Psychology
- Selling and Marketing techniques
- Social Sciences
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Sports Physiology
- Strategic Management
- Total Quality Management
- Training and Development
- Unani Medicine and Public Health
- Veterinary Sciences
- Accounting & Finance
- Advertising
- Agricultural Sciences
- Agriculture
- Animal/ Veterinary Sciences
- Anthropology
- Architecture/ Planning
- Arts and Humanities
- Ayurveda
- Biological or Life Sciences
- Biotechnology
- Botany/Zoology Business Research
- Chemical Sciences
- Chemistry
- Engineering Sciences
- English
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental Sciences
- Fishery Sciences
- Forestry
- Geography
- Geology
- Health Care Management
- Health Sciences
- History
- Human Resources Management
- Industrial Relations
- Information Technology
- International Business
- Law / Criminology
- Library Sciences
- Life Sciences
- Logistics and Supply chain Management
- Management
- Management Studies
- Marine Microbiology
- Marketing communication
- Marketing Management
- Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
- Medical Sciences
- commerce
- Law or Juridical Sciences
- Computer Application
- Computer Sciences
- Consumer Behavior & Relationship Management
- Corporate Governance
- Dental Sciences
- Earth Sciences
- E-commerce
- Economics
- Education
- Educational Sciences
- Engineering & Technology